DC Multiverse Batman Designed by Todd McFarlane Action Figure

$21.99 $0.00( / )
In the 1980’s, Todd McFarlane began drawing Batman™ professionally, working on the classic storyline “Batman: Year Two™” in Detective Comics™, and creating iconic artwork, including his dynamic cover for Batman #423. Todd went on to become a titan of the comic book industry, but has always had an affinity for...
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In the 1980’s, Todd McFarlane began drawing Batman™ professionally, working on the classic storyline “Batman: Year Two™” in Detective Comics™, and creating iconic artwork, including his dynamic cover for Batman #423. Todd went on to become a titan of the comic book industry, but has always had an affinity for Batman, stating,"I've always liked the fact that Batman has no super powers. When it comes down to it, he's just a dude in a costume. Conceivably, if you pushed him off a roof (Batarangs, etc. aside), he could potentially die, unlike Superman™.”

First Form Collectibles


0.84 lb

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