Kanye West: College Dropout [Explicit Content]

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Special edition double vinyl LP. The week this debut album came out, Kanye's name was all over the Top 20s for his hit singles "Through the Wire," "Jesus Walks," "All Falls Down" and "Slow Jamz." What's even more remarkable is that this breakthrough came during his recovery from a car...
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Special edition double vinyl LP. The week this debut album came out, Kanye's name was all over the Top 20s for his hit singles "Through the Wire," "Jesus Walks," "All Falls Down" and "Slow Jamz." What's even more remarkable is that this breakthrough came during his recovery from a car wreck that nearly took his life-the song "Through the Wire" is about the accident, and was recorded two weeks after he was in the hospital, with his jaw still wired shut. He's hailed the event as both the worst thing that could've happened to him, and the best. The record sold 441,000 copies in it's very first week and has been named both by "Time" and "Rolling Stone" as one of the greatest albums of all time. Guest appearances here include Jay-Z, John Legend, Ervin "EP" Pope, Miri Ben-Ari, Syleena Johnson and Jamie Foxx.

Vinyl Record


1.4 lb

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