Attack on Titan: No Regrets 1

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THE THIEF AND THE SOLDIER The young Erwin Smith is a rising star in the Survey Corps, humanity's only hope of defeating the man-eating monsters known as Titans. Ruthless and dispassionate, Erwin's mind is devoted to strategies and intrigue. But beneath Erwin's feet is another world, the Underground, where humans...
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The young Erwin Smith is a rising star in the Survey Corps, humanity's only hope of defeating the man-eating monsters known as Titans. Ruthless and dispassionate, Erwin's mind is devoted to strategies and intrigue. But beneath Erwin's feet is another world, the Underground, where humans are born and die surrounded by the garbage the Capital throws away. Here, the criminal Levi survives on his wits and agility. But when these two ambitious men cross paths, who will prove himself stronger? The long-awaited origin story of Levi and Erwin, two of Attack on Titan's most beloved characters!


Author: Hajima Isayama

Publisher: Kodansha Comics




First Form Collectibles


0.44 lb

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